Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Slumdog Millionaire (Q and A) - Vikas Swarup

Slumdog Millionaire
Vikas Swarup
5 stars (out of 5)
Even seemingly random events happen for a reason. While it is sometimes very dark, Slumdog Millionaire, by Vikas Swarup illustrates the potential of everyday occurrences to change a person's life. Throughout the novel, the Swarup portrays with terrible clarity, horrible conditions of the slums where the characters reside, giving the reader some grasp of the lives many people live. The author develops each character into a thriving personality, lending the book a spirit and animation which propels the story beautifully. Lastly, the seemingly random order in which the book is written enthralls the reader from start to finish as the hero goes from boy, to man, and back to boy again. Slumdog Millionaire is a realistic and sometimes disturbing portrait of life in India's slums. However, at the same time, it is a story of perseverance and success, demonstrating the many types of intelligence in our world.

1. Why do you think Vikas Swarup chose the write this book in such a random order?
2. How does Salim's character contribute to the development of the main character?
Slumdog Millionaire is set in the Dharavi Slum in India.

Monday, May 25, 2009

The Chronicles of Faerie - O.R. Melling

The Chronicles of Faerie
O.R. Melling
3 1/2 stars (out of 5)
What we gain from the world around us depends on how we see it. Despite being aimed at younger readers, The Chronicles of Faerie by O.R. Melling, carries a message for readers of any age: the world is best viewed with the innocence of youth. Melling utilizes a simplistic style of writing which adds to the youthful feeling of the novel. The sporadic and often scattered storytelling gives the book a playful feeling, even as its characters encounter difficult situations in their own lives. The true genius of the novel, however, is the way Melling infuses her characters with an eternal youth, lending the entire story a life of it's own. The Chronicles of Faerie is full of enchantment, beauty, and wonder. It challenges the reader to see the magic which is all around us.

1. Of the three books contained within this novel, which one is your favorite? Why?
2. How does the cover art of this book relate to the style of the story?

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Nineteen Minutes - Jodi Picoult

Nineteen Minutes
By Jodi Picoult
4 stars (out of 5)
Horrendous events can occur where you least expect them. While Nineteen Minutes would be too shocking for some, Jodi Picoult tells an emotionally charged tale of heartbreak, torment, and retaliation. From the very first lines of the book, she highlights the contrast between the normality of everyday life and the awful reality of the school shooting which is the central event. The variation which results keeps the book moving at a riveting pace. Although the shooting happens at the beginning of the book, Picoult manages to retain an element of mystery which enthralls the reader on many levels. The greatest triumph of the novel, however, is the way in which the author enables the reader to feel sympathy for a character who is otherwise easily hated. Picoult provides an insight into the shooter's motives which turns him from monster to victim, giving the book a depth that would otherwise be lacking. Nineteen Minutes illustrates how tragedy can blossom from the most unlikely sources. Its heart wrenching plot and shocking conclusion will force the reader to redefine their beliefs about the appalling events which occur in the lives of those around us.

1. Do you feel sorry for Peter? Why or why not?
2. Why do you think Josie cannot remember what happened?

A brief history of school shootings around the world.